Revising Modern Workplace Tools, theory and concepts

Table of Contents

Modern Workplace

The "Modern Workplace" is often referred to as an online platform offering various integrated tools to help people with daily tasks. These tools can include a corporate intranet website, communication apps, email, CRM, ERP, HR systems, calendars, and other essentials for daily work.

But the Modern Workplace is more than that. It contains modern organisational work practices which are indeed online but essentially solve the following offline work practices:

  1. Information Management - storing information to make it easy to find whenever needed.
  2. Demographic Changes - By 2020, millennials will form more than 50% of the workforce - they are loyalty-lite to organisations and value L&D at times more than financial rewards and an Increased number of mature-age workers. However, most organisations do not have a strategy to attract, engage or retain employees. [4]
  3. Collaboration and efficiency – Being productive and collaborating while working remotely. [2]

Digital Workplace

The modern workplace leverages the latest information and communication technology to facilitate remote work, project management, and real-time collaboration across locations.[1]Organisations like Amazon, Google, and Microsoft offer different types of Modern Workplace services that consist of a platform that is integrated with tools for communication, collaboration, and efficiency, sold as a single license (SAAS). [3]

Agile Workplace

It integrates with an organisation's internal information systems and can be accessed from anywhere with an internet connection, making remote work possible. The Modern workplace promotes agility, flexibility, responsiveness, and adaptability in operations and workforce management. This setup fosters a culture of continuous improvement, cross-functional collaboration, and customer-centricity, allowing organisations to respond quickly to market changes and customer needs.


Collaboration is important in the Modern Workplace. Collaboration could involve teamwork and interdepartmental collaboration and partnering with external parties. The central theme of all Modern Workplace collaboration is working towards common goals, increased productivity, and innovation. For this reason, Modern Workplace design contains ample collaboration elements fostering a culture of knowledge sharing, co-creation, and mutual support. Collaborative technologies and spaces are designed to enhance teamwork, recognising the significant impact of collaborative dynamics on organisational success.

Modern Work

The advent of COVID-19 has markedly hastened the shift towards the Modern Digital Workplace, a transformation that began well before the pandemic. This evolution from traditional methods to digital platforms is not merely technological; it primarily reflects a fundamental shift in our understanding of work.

In today's Modern Workplace, work extends beyond mere employment. It encompasses various activities, including unpaid endeavours like volunteering, caregiving, and engaging in hobbies. Any pursuit that enhances an individual's sense of self-worth, identity, and autonomy is now acknowledged as work.

The contemporary approach to work underscores the psychological facets of labour, interpersonal connections in the workplace, and the integration of work with personal life. It accentuates the value of meaningful interactions within the workplace while also cautioning against the potential negative impacts of work on personal growth and well-being. The modern work paradigm advocates for deeper comprehension and more effective management of these elements to foster a healthier work-life equilibrium.

Learn More

The modern workplace is changing due to new technologies and new paradigms around work. COVID-19 has accelerated the shift towards a digital workplace. Work now encompasses various activities that enhance an individual's sense of self-worth, identity, and autonomy. A contemporary approach to work emphasises the psychological facets of labour, interpersonal connections in the workplace, and the integration of work with personal life. It advocates for a healthier work-life balance through effective management of these elements. Please get in touch with us if you have any questions or require assistance regarding your work or workplace.

  1. Hislop, D., Coombs, C., Taneva, S., & Barnard, S. (2017) define the 'Technology-Driven Work Environment' as a workspace that heavily incorporates digital tools and platforms to facilitate communication, collaboration, and operational efficiency. This environment leverages advancements in information and communication technology to support remote work, project management, and real-time collaboration among team members dispersed across various locations,' illustrating the integral role of technology in modern organisational practices" (*Journal of Organizational Behavior*, 38(7), pp. 992-1003). ↗︎
  2. Rigby, D. K., Sutherland, J., & Noble, A. (2018) describe the 'Agile Workplace' as 'an organisational setup that prioritises flexibility, responsiveness, and adaptability in its operations and workforce management. It promotes a culture of continuous improvement, cross-functional collaboration, and customer-centricity, enabling organisations to respond to market changes and customer needs quickly,' underscoring the importance of agility in today's fast-paced business environment" (*Harvard Business Review*, 96(3), pp. 88-96). ↗︎
  3. Kane, G. C., Palmer, D., Phillips, A. N., Kiron, D., & Buckley, N. (2015) highlight the 'Collaborative Ecosystem' as a workplace model that emphasises the importance of collaboration among employees, departments, and external partners to drive innovation and achieve common goals. This approach fosters a culture of knowledge sharing, co-creation, and mutual support, facilitated by collaborative technologies and spaces designed to enhance teamwork,' reflecting on the transformative power of collaborative dynamics in organisational success" (*MIT Sloan Management Review and Deloitte University Press*). ↗︎
  4. PwC. (2016). Millennials at work: Reshaping the workplace in financial services. Retrieved from ↗︎

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